Mac St News - Friday 13th December 2024
Principals Report
Dear Parents, Carers and Community Members,
It is hard to believe that we are one week away from finishing another school year. There have been so many positive changes at Macarthur Street Primary School this year, and it is a joyous time to be able to reflect on what has been achieved.

Teaching and Learning
We began with implementing an Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) model, which focuses on structured, teacher-led lessons to maximise student learning. Teachers use slides to guide lessons, ensuring consistency across the school. The use of slides ensures that learning intentions, success criteria, and instructional prompts are visible and explicit for students, promoting clarity and reducing cognitive overload. This approach helps scaffold lessons and ensures a high level of instructional coherence across all grades. The school has embedded engagement norms in all classrooms to ensure that all students are actively involved in learning. These norms include strategies such as cold calling, the use of think-pair-share, structured questioning techniques and mini whiteboard norms to engage students during lessons. The school has focused on aligning its teaching practices and curriculum across all grades. This alignment ensures that students experience a coherent and progressive learning journey, this is created through the whole school knowledge curriculum that starts in Foundation through to Grade 6. This Knowledge Curriculum is used in all parts of student learning, from specialist subjects, reading, writing etc. Since the beginning of Term 1, teaching and support staff have worked with Greg Clement the school's instructional consultant. The focus of Greg's work was implementing the 'Big 6' of Literacy and the creation of the MSPS instructional playbook. In all classrooms, Sounds-Write has been implemented, this covers the phonemic awareness/phonics of the big 6. From the Knowledge Curriculum and Reading Spine - choice vocabulary and oral language sequences have been developed. As the whole school has been implementing Sounds-Write, the school has invested heavily in decodable texts for students to read during fluency and for take home reading. In the senior grades (3-6), novel studies have been included in the literacy block. Shared reading of a whole class text has allowed for insightful discussion about themes that are linked to the knowledge curriculum.
SWPBS and classroom systems were implemented in all classrooms in 2024. We have seen significant positive effects on the school by creating a structured, supportive environment that promotes positive behaviours and fosters a sense of community. In all classrooms, we began with the focus on reducing extraneous load. We were able to achieve this through having a minimalist approach to classroom decor, having all students sit in rows and to have a mandated seating plan in all classrooms. All staff set clear expectations for behaviour across all classrooms, this allowed teachers to manage their classes more effectively. This consistency helped students understand what behaviours are expected, making it easier for them to follow routines and reducing disruptions. In Semester Two, we welcomed our student wellbeing officer, Erin. She has been instrumental in working with students and families providing support in a variety of areas. In 2025 we will be completing Berry Street training, and we will continue to build our own behaviour curriculum. We have developed a comprehensive ‘Ready to Learn’ plan for the first two days of Term 1 2025. We will explicitly teach students over the day the expected behaviours, routines and structures. All staff are excited about what is to come in the wellbeing space next year.
Building Works
We began the year with the refurbishment of the school library. This space has been versatile for library, special occasions and after school care. Our basketball court has been transformed into a lively play space for students. The synthetic grass and adjustable basketball rings make the whole area inclusive for all students to play. Our wellbeing room has had a complete overhaul and is now an inviting space for our students and families to come in and work with school staff. Over the school holidays, we will have all classrooms painted and new carpet laid. This will create vibrant learning environments for our students as they begin the 2025 school year. The ITTC downstairs on the Doveton Street side of the school will no longer be used by the Department of Education. We will reclaim those two classrooms and have our Foundation and Grade 1 classrooms there. I would like to thank the ITTC for their partnership with our school for the last 10+ years, we wish you all the best in the future.
Lastly, I would like to thank our school community for another amazing year. We value the trust that every one of you place in us to educate your children. We look forward to continuing this partnership in 2025 and strive to work together to make Macarthur Street PS the best school it can be.
Have a safe and Merry Christmas, enjoy the holidays.
Dates to Remember
Thursday 19th December
Wednesday 29th January
Thursday 30th January
Monday 24th February
Student Free Day - Staff Professional Development Day
Thursday 3rd April
School Photo Day
Student of the Week
For 100% attendance in Term 4.
Mason, Thomas & Harley
3/4GYanuli, Cruze, Emily, Finn, Jackson, Konnah & Nate
Foundation News - Mrs Emily Burns
We made it! Our beautiful little foundation friends have made it to the end of the year and are truly presenting as grade ones as of the last few weeks. They have worked so hard this year in all areas of primary school.
This week we have been learning about Christmas traditions in both Australia and across the world and have been making some fun Christmas craft items - look out for them in your child’s school bag over the next week!
We have loved consolidating all that we have learned in Maths by completing our daily reviews and slide lessons with such ease! In Writing, we have been also consolidating our sentence building using a who, what, where and when. In Reading, we are learning new vocabulary from “The Polar Express” and are looking forward to watching the movie next week!
Thank you, parents, for a wonderful year!

Grade 1/2 News - Miss Rhiannon Eustice

2024 is nearly over... sadly. It's been a pleasure teaching Grade 1/2 this year! The students have grown so much and have achieved many wonderful things in their learning, in particular their reading.
We have had an exciting end to an eventful year with the performance of our school concert. The students did a fantastic job at rehearsing and performing a total of 6 songs! They definitely convinced us there was a party at the beach... we possibly have some surfers or musical theatre performers in our classroom. I wish everyone all the best in 2025 and a safe and happy holidays!
GRADE 3/4 – Mr Andrew Goodson
As we conclude what has been a huge year of learning, I’d like to congratulate the 3/4 class on their hard work and resilience. Seeing the students get down to business every day has been most pleasing; the progress that has been achieved and the learning that has taken place has been astronomical! All students should be proud of their efforts – both academically, socially and personally.
As we move into 2025, the Grade 4’s will become Grade 5’s (as was experienced on Grade-Up Day this week), and the Grade 3’s step-up into the responsibility and privilege of being a Grade 4. Looking ahead, we have another year of high-quality education and fantastic learning opportunities in store next year.
Lastly – I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a restful holiday. See you next year!

Grade 5/6 News - Mrs Sharon Smith-Francis

Grade 5/6 were very enthusiastic when they rehearsed for the school concert: Dream Nation. A trip to Phoenix to practise at the venue and they were good to go.
The night brought a fantastic performance from the Grade 5/6s with movements for the songs executed perfectly and lots of expression used when the students with speaking lines were delivering their lines. It was a pleasure watching the concert and I am extremely proud of their performances.
- Andes
- Brooklyn
- Zachary
- Dimitrii
- Jacob
- Hailie
- Jaxxon
- Sebastian
- Ethan
- Theodore
- Mackenzie
- Mikayla
- Tobias
- Aleah

2025 Book List Cost – Payment Due 19/12/2024
In 2025 we will be obtaining our student stationery packs from KaKa Kids, payment is now required to school (via QKR app) by 19/12/2024. Individually named stationery packs will be delivered to your child’s classroom before the start of the 2025 school year. All stationery items are carefully selected by the teachers for their suitability for your child’s use during their year of studies.
We ask the ALL families purchase their Book Pack from the school, so all students have the same stationery items. This method is more equitable and easier for parents/carers.
Foundation - 2025:
Grade 1 - 2025:
Grade 2 - 2025:
Grade 3 - 2025:
Grade 4 - 2025:
Grade 5 - 2025:
Grade 6 - 2025:
Students birthday
Happy Birthday to the students who will celebrate their birthdays over the Christmas Holidays.
- Yanuli
- Leo
- Cyrus
- Abi
- Thomas M
- Ajan
- Grace
- Jacob
- Harmony
- Brooklyn
- Estela